Waterville Estates Governance
Waterville Estates is governed by two entities, a homeowner association and a municipal village district. Please take the time to understand these organizations and how they oversee your community
Waterville Estates Homeowner Association
Waterville Estates Homeowner Association (WEA) manages the interests of the homeowners and landowners, particularly recreational services conducted in the common areas of the Community Center and Campton Mountain Ski Area. WEA contracts with the Village District Commission for the management of recreational services through the Recreation Management Agreement (RMA).
The Association is responsible for oversight of Community Rules, Regulations and Building Covenants as directed by the ByLaws. Please review the three primary documents and supplemental policies as outlined under Waterville Estates Rules, Regulations & ByLaws.
All owners are entitled to use the recreational facilities and participate in scheduled events through membership access passes under the requirement of paid membership dues as outlined in the Restrictions Easements and Covenants.
The Waterville Estates Association Board of Directors consists of 9 homeowner members. The Directors serve a 3 year term with three member seats up for election at the end of each year. The Board consists of 4 officers, nominated and elected by the 9 member Board at each election cycle.
Waterville Estates Village District
The Waterville Estates Village District (WEVD) is the municipal arm of Waterville Estates. It is an overlay of portions of the Town of Campton and the Town of Thornton, that was organized, under NH law (RSA 53), as a taxing authority, for the purposes of providing water, secondary roads and recreational facilities to the Village District owners. The common areas are deeded to the Village District which has financial responsibility for the infrastructure of said common areas including the water system, many of the secondary roads and service yard, the Community Center building and outdoor facilities and Campton Mountain Ski Area. The District is governed by 3 elected Commissioners, who present an annual budget supported by warrant articles, that is voted on by the registered voter residents of the District at the annual meeting. Non-resident owners are able to participate at the annual meeting, but are not allowed to vote on warrant articles. The Village District is governed by NH State Statutes.
The Commissioners are elected to three year terms, also by the registered voter residents of the Village District at the annual meeting.
Village District Water Department
The District Water Department maintains and operates the communities water system supporting 98% of the homes in the community. The Water Department submits an annual budget and water ordinance fee structure to the Commissioners for approval. All owners, including undeveloped building lots, contribute to the funding of the water system infrastructure.
For more information about the Village District, please visit www.waterville-estatesnh.gov
Operations Management
The Village District and Association recreational services are cooperatively managed by a General Manager, hired by the Village District. All WvE staff are hired and managed by the General Manager.
Recreation Management Agreement
A Recreation Management Agreement (RMA) is reviewed and approved annually by the Village District and Association to provide recreation services and events at the Community Center and Campton Mountain Ski Area.
Funding for all of the Waterville Estates common property infrastructure and recreation comes from five primary sources:
- Village District Precinct Property Taxes billed semi-annually by your respective town in late spring and late fall. The precinct property tax rate is set by each town based on the annual budget approved by Village District residents during the annual meeting. You must be a registered voter in the respective town to vote at the annual meeting, but all owners are encouraged to participate.
- Association Member Dues billed annually in springtime by Evergreen Management Group for the Homeowner Association. The dues are based on the prior years amount plus a COLA increase.
- Village District Water Ordinance Fee billed semi-annually in spring and fall by the Village District. It is based on the WEVD Water Department budget and approved at a WEVD Public Hearing.
- Capital Improvement Fund Fee billed as a buy-in fee at time of real estate transaction for home sales, and as a buy-in fee for new home building permits.
- Revolving Recreation Fund financed from food & beverage sales, merchandise sales, facility rentals, day passes and ticket sales.
Where does the money go?
Membership Annual Dues
- Day to day operations, such as front desk operations, pool maintenance
- Facility operations, such as lawn mowing and shoveling
- Utilities, such as Community Center electricity and propane used for recreation
- HOA management, accounting and insurance
- Campton Mountain insurance
WEVD Precinct Property Taxes
- Building maintenance, road & facility plowing
- Grading and paving of roads owned by WEVD
- Utilities, such as Community Center electricity and propane used for administration
- Liability Insurance
- Contractors
- Equipment such as plow trucks, front loader
- Administration
Water Ordinance Fee
- Water line maintenance, repairs and replacement
- Well site maintenance
- Treatment facility operations
- Administration
Recreation Fund
- Food and beverage supplies and staff
- Entertainment and events
Capital Improvement Fund (CIF)
- Facility and amenity improvements and upgrades such as locker & fitness room renovations, outdoor service sheds
- New purchases such as snow machine, playground equipment, snow making fan gun, pool furniture
- Infrastructure projects such as snow making, Summit Lounge HVAC, Community Center siding, outdoor courts
WEVD/WEA Organizational Chart (it’s a tad old and kinda confusing…)