Homeowner Quick Start
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Homeowner Association Membership
- Membership Dues & Passes – Association dues & billing information, admittance access passes
- Board of Directors – Association Board of Directors and meeting minutes
- TownSq – Homeowner Community portal for dues account balance & payments, announcements, documents, service requests
- Evergreen Management Group – support services and contact information

Community Amenities
Amenities – listing of indoor and outdoor recreation options
Community Center – overview of features, open 362 days a year, hours may change seasonally, so check for updates.
Usage of Community Center amenities requires an access pass as outlined on the Membership Dues & Passes page.
Please review the Rules & Regulations and Code of Conduct policies on the Rules, Regulations and ByLaws page for facility usage expectations.
For food and beverage options, visit the Dining page and watch our Events page for activities and entertainment. Don’t forget to show your owner picture pass for owner discounts.
- Campton Mountain – Ski Lodge is open weekends, holidays and vacation weeks during late fall and winter months…with or without snow!
- Check Campton Mountain Ski Area for skiing and riding options, conditions and tickets.

US Mail & Parcel Delivery
- US Mail & Delivery – an overview of the US Mail and parcel box deliveries here at WvE…it’s not what you’re used to.
- WvE mailbox application – to begin the process of getting a WvE mailbox at the Community Center. It will take a couple weeks to process.

Building and Compliance
- Building Committee – Waterville Estates has a comprehensive set of building restrictions and covenants as defined in the Restrictions, Easements & Covenants (RECs), as well as related policies, Please review the RECs and consult with the Building Committee before making any changes to the exterior of your property, including tree cutting.
- Rules, Regulations and Bylaws – governing regulation and policy documents
- Compliance Committee – oversees enforcement of the RECs and can impose fines for violations

WvE Governance
WvE Governance – Waterville Estates is managed by two entities, a homeowner association (WEA) and a municipal village district (WEVD). Please take the time to understand these organizations and how they oversee your community.

Water and Roads
- WEVD Water Department – The Village District (WEVD) Water Department runs our community water system. Please contact the Water Department for any issues or questions regarding community water supply and billing.
- WEVD Roads Department – The Village District (WEVD) maintains and plows the WvE private roads.
- WvE Road Map – Useful map to get around, and helps determine ownership before calling in an issue with the Roads Department.
- Town of Campton Services – Report issues with Campton roads, look for Highway Department
- Town of Thornton Highway Department – Report issues with Thornton roads
- Water & Roads Policy Notices – Scroll down to Policy Notices section, look for Snow Removal, No Parking and Irrigation policy notices.
Please Note: Many roads are steep and winding which require snow tires, 4 wheel drive or all wheel drive during the winter months. Do not attempt to travel these roads when snow covered using touring tires and 2 wheel drive…it will not go well.
Winter Driveway Sand – Driveway sand is available at the WEVD Service Yard on Snow Trail Road and at the Campton Service Yard next to Town Hall…3 bucket limit.

Good to know…
- Da Bears – Important information about bears in Waterville Estates
- Trash & Recycling – best ways to deal with your disposables
- Best Practices – Outdoor lighting and landscaping tips, and other best practices for the community.
- Propane Discount – AmeriGas – Laconia offers a community discount negotiated by our GM. Check Owner Updates for latest price.
- Open Fire Burn Permit – get your backyard fire pit permits at Campton-Thornton Fire & Rescue

Local Links
Campton, Town of: https://camptonnh.org/nh/ tax assessments and payment history online, transfer station stickers at town hall
Thornton, Town of: https://www.townofthornton.org tax assessments and payment history online, transfer station stickers at town hall
Thornton-Campton Transfer Station (Thornton): https://www.townofthornton.org/transfer-station-recycling-center hours of operation, mandatory recycling…they are particular about sorting (no lids)
Spear Memorial Hospital (Plymouth): https://spearehospital.com
Campton-Thornton Fire & Rescue: https://ctfr.org fire permit required for backyard fire pits, street number signs available at station
Eversource Electric (Campton residents): https://www.eversource.com/content/residential check for outages, sign-up for text notifications
NH Electric Co-Op (Thornton residents): https://www.nhec.com
AmeriGas – Laconia (Propane): https://www.amerigas.com/locations/propane-offices/new-hampshire/laconia/1150-union-ave
US Forest Service – White Mountain National Forest: https://www.fs.usda.gov/whitemountain